DAY 3 “¿Que hora es?” asked my mom. “Son las 9:30 a.m.” We slept in, which is very strange for us. My mom and I are the type of tourists who are the first ones in line for everything; we’re up early for breakfast, for museum openings, to get on the tour bus. We were…
A Girl’s Trip to Amsterdam: Revisiting a European Gem
Returning to Amsterdam had been on my mom’s mind for a while. She didn’t get to enjoy the city when we visited in December 2017, because she injured her knee a few days before that trip. We flew out to Amsterdam only for her to remain in the hotel for the better part of the…
Return of the Flight Attendant: An Honest Update
So much for blogging during training. So much for doing anything other than studying. I packed three books to read in my spare time only to have them take up space and collect dust on the coffee table. Training began on April 24, a week before I was officially set to begin. I knew of…
How to Stay Motivated in Your Language Learning Journey
The second quarter of 2023 has just begun, and it’s a good time to take a look at your language learning journey. If your first reaction is an embarrassed side-eye look, then it means you haven’t practiced your target language in a while. You’re probably thinking, “Oh, that. Yeah… I’ll get back into it later.”…
¿Y si todo sale bien?
I genuinely wanted to stay with the company I was with for a long time. I wanted to save a year’s worth of expenses in my emergency fund. I wanted to invest $15k-$20k a year in my retirement accounts. I genuinely wanted stability, financial stability, for a long time even if it meant staying at…
The Flying Soles Paint London Red: An Unforgettable Trip – Part Deux
Bang! Bang! “I’m living in absolute hell,” I think as I cover my face and ears with the extra pillow. It’s 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, and I could have sworn that no one, I mean no one, would be up at this hour making any type of noise. The construction in the apartment two floors…
The Flying Soles Paint London Red: An Unforgettable Trip
“You can use mine. I packed two adapters,” I said to Curtis. I opened my purse to find my adapter was missing and, more importantly, my phone was missing. “Fuck! I left my phone charging on the train,” I exclaimed. We were in a London cab on our way to our AirBnB when I realized…
Traveling Abroad for the First Time Post-COVID
The first time I boarded a plane after I left my flight attendant career was in August 2022. I was anxious and uncomfortable from the minute I walked out of my apartment until the plane reached 10,000 feet. Why did I feel that way? Perhaps all the trouble that my fellow flight attendants and I…
¿Cuál es su lengua materna?
Yo me crié hablando dos idiomas. En la escuela aprendí el inglés. En casa aprendí el español. Las caricaturas las veía en inglés y los programas que le gustaban a mi mamá como Cristina o Sábado Gigante en español. Para mí, los dos idiomas hacen parte de mi identidad. Cargan el mismo peso y nunca…
6 Truths About Becoming and Being a Flight Attendant
I along with twenty-eight thousand people applied for a limited number of flight attendant positions in 2018. Based on the number of applications each major U.S. airline receives, it’s safe to say that a flight attendant career is one of the most coveted jobs in the United States. The lifestyle, the flexibility, the overnights all…